
My Photo
Location: Malaysia

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Gud Time...

The Venetian... every one admiring the architecture...

Gud Time...

Gud Time...

BoBo checking out her look 1st thing before going out...

This day, we join a local day tour from Gray Line which starts from 11am (ideal so that we do not need to wake up early) and finish at 5pm (ideal as well cos dad din like it if it's too long).

It's the best and cheapest tour I've ever joined in my life.. cost only RM60, inclusive of everything... tax, entrance fee,...

Gud Time...

The Macau Tower... where it's famous for Bungy jumping, Sky walking, Sky Dropping,.. and of course, just viewing Macau. Built and operated by New Zealander...(they are famous for their bungy skill).

BB loves the height, where as I was too afraid and didn't even go up,.. as for mom leh,.. she turn purple after that. Hahaha!

Gud Time...

Tin Hau temple.. Goddess of the Sea...

Some mecanese old buidings for the rich last time...

Our very cute tour guide, Ian... sweet girl with fluent english...

Gud Time...

The hotel we stayed ... Venetian.... we were told by our tourist guide that this hotel is the 4th biggest building in the world and it's casino is the biggest in the world... that is why mom and dad went in to have a peek this morning after breakfast to see how big is the biggest wor...