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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Meeting up with my bro in Frankfurt

He say he coming in a very nice car,.. hmmm,.. must be BMW lah, Mercedes lah,.... can't wait!

Aiyo,.. no wonder a lot of people say Europe water very hard lah,... now since my poor bro lost all his hair, I can understand lah,.. the water there and his stress with the new company.

Poor him! I wonder how he looks with his bride-groom tuxedo,... bald and .... poor guy!

EEkkkk! Wrong lah,.. too long didn't see my bro , I cannot recognize him,.. I thought he is the Ah Pek above. Ha! Ha!

AAhhhh,.. this is my bro,.. driving a little not so nice car, but got hair wor,... more important than nice car.


Blogger E.T.K.Y. said...

Quick and nice updates.

1:30 AM  
Blogger Duckee on cruise! said...

yeah,.. forgot to let you know,.. your blog is not working well.

I cannot open the page for the past week.

Why ke?

1:56 AM  

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