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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Elmo's expedition 2008


Blogger E.T.K.Y. said...

Oh yea.. i have to let u know my schedule to Frankfurt. Me and my coliq (Mr. Sim) is going to Frankfurt too. We will have some test in Regensberg which is 5 hours from Frankfurt. We only will be going there on Saturday tentatively. In case, we finish our work early, I will persuade him to go on Friday.

On the way to Frankfurt, he would like to stop at Factory Outlet which I dun know where.

Important: Please help us to book hotel Euro70 per night right? For Saturday night.

Lastly, how can i contact you?
You can call my cell phone

0172 8358 933

If you can't get through, you might ask somebody to help you to call. I have no idea why sometimes they use 172 8358 933 sometimes 0172 8358 933.

5:04 AM  

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