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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Commitment to Shitty AK

Another shitty booking with AK,.. another letter sent to Fernaz, Skytrax, Business Travellers, CNN travellers, and all AK related comment web.
On 10th October 2008, I received an email from Airasia informing me that my flight Kuching-Macau (23rd October 2008) would be departing earlier at 9am. Which is 6hours 25mins earlier from the same flt that used to depart a month ago. I had no idea that this flight had been re-timed, only upon receiving their email. Thus, knowing that I was not able to depart that early due to meeting constraints, I had to call up their call centre to re-book myself on a flight which departs later than that.

On 12th October, I called their call centre (long distance) and I was again put on hold for more than 30mins before Amy Leong answered. I told her about my situation, she told me that I was not able to change my flight to a later date, because that is the only flight (KCH-MFM) left in the century. AK had discontinue to operate this route.
She told me that I cannot change the destination either as stated in the Terms and Conditions, eventhough I agreed to forge out the difference. She also informed me that I cannot refund this ticket and the only option they gave me was either travel on this date or change to a flight earlier than this date. I told her, I was on another booking which I will arrive Kuching on 19th October, which is 4 days earlier, and how could I possible leave earlier than that. If I could, I would not have to go thru all the fuss of scrambling to get a later flight after my original booked flight.

This means that since I cannot travel on my original flight, cannot change my destination (by paying the difference), cannot refund, AK had no other flights for me to change my date of travel, I would just have to throw away this ticket and buy a new one to travel on a later date. This is pure STRIPPING out of their so called ‘valued customer’.


Blogger E.T.K.Y. said...

Che, you can send your email to Tony direct.

you get personal reply from him

9:44 PM  
Blogger Duckee on cruise! said...

already, I've sent a total of 3 letters, all he dun dare to publish cos I think he no face. I was using his user comment since his first blog entry. But, he a
tried his best to either answer me or refer to his helpless staff. Thanks for the thoughts! But, I m surprised he really does read comments, sometimes I feel bad that his staff runs a lousy management for him.

6:36 PM  

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