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Friday, October 26, 2007

Worst birthday of my life...

I am going thru the worst agony of my life. I had no idea what a toothache is until yesterday,.. I wanna die! It's worst than giving birth or the contraction....

When visited a non familiar dentist (that's what you normally do when it gets this serious,.. any dentist will do) this fella told me,.. I need to either pull out this molar or get a root treatment followed by crowning. All in all,.. cost me HK8,000!!!!! The worst part is I was not insured!

Yet I was advised by this fella to pull out another 3 wisdom tooth behind. And that I dun want to know the price as I am thinking about this pain I had to go thru (pain in the pocket and everything).

Finally, I told dentist,.. err,... I want to do my San Francisco flight this Saturday, it'll take 4 days and I promise to come in on Wednesday. I want some good good painkillers so I can survive another week.

Dentist looked at me,.. knowing what I was going to pull,... (not coming in after the pain is gone),.. Dentist said: During ascending or descending of your flight, your pain will increase due to the pressure in the aircraft. My eyes popped!! I assured dentist,.. I will come in as the pain is unbearable.

So tomorrow,... I off to a painful agony flight to San Francisco ,... spend my BIRTHDAY there in agony and see what happens next when I get back.


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