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Location: Malaysia

Monday, August 21, 2006

BB's new tooth

You see my this new tooth coming out? Well, I tell ya, it's gonna be a blue tooth,.. universal connecting device install in my body,.. neat huh?


Blogger E.T.K.Y. said...

Hi bb,

This is CF, it's great to see the teeth growing out. You were worried but now it seems everything is alright right?

Do you miss me? Well I miss you too. Hope to see you end of this year. CF just have to do it for my future here for awhile.

For the time being, CF just have continue to figure out to work harder. Staying is perfect for my life but not for my job.

Well, just like what you said, not everybody is perfect so as everything isn't perfect. So I will make sure my time spent away from you is worth it when the time comes.

Ok, happy to have a close up look at your teeth.

From CF

4:22 AM  
Blogger lightneasy said...

BB since you are changing into adult teeth now we will have to call you some name other than BB.

9:35 AM  
Blogger lightneasy said...

By the way did you lose your tooth during kungfu combat?!HA HA.

10:05 AM  

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