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Friday, July 28, 2006

KUCHING UPDATES (28 July 2006)

There is another lane under construction just next to the Green Height's shop lots,... so getting out of Green Heights is rather difficult and messy as the normal double lane from airport were merged to only a lane,...

You see,... the new road is rather high,... dad says it's 4 feet above the normal road now,..

Now, the piece of greenery in front of this building is also gone,....

Messy, messy round-a-bout,.. you won't want to drive,... not to mention the bumps all along the way,... no fun,....

I guess they are about to attack this greenery as well,...

Kuching is damm hot this months,.... the normal haze and hot season,... it's torture,... with the Foot & Mouth Disease virsus getting stronger

Normal kids not a common sighting now,... mom said newspaper were too numb to update the case as it's never ending,... your 2nd sis said, if they close the school,.. kids might have to go back to school on November and December,.. very very unsual.


Blogger E.T.K.Y. said...

Sigh... can't stand Kuching's old buses seen in the pictures. Nobody is doing nothing with the transportation. They just expect us to buy cars form the government.

Oh yea.. talking about cars business, good job to Mahathir, he gave South East Asia, RM60bil business to Thailand. Becoz of protecting Proton, Thailand has become the Detriot for South East Asia.

3:08 AM  

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