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Location: Malaysia

Monday, June 19, 2006

Aiyo,.. I update u how Kuching looks like lah,...

Every day, start like this,.. drive to school in the dark,....

Sunrise when almost arriving school,..

Newly renovated temple opposite Star cineplex,.. mom say very very 'leng' wor,.. this temple and that is why all the business tau kay around their help renovate the temple,..

Breakfast in Kenyalang as usual,..

The very green Everise,... looks like monster building,.. yucks! I think it's probably the cheaper price to buy this colour coz normal human dares not to paint this colour on their property,...

So,.. the bird had moved it's nest from the round-a-bout to ,.... siang siang,... maybe the bird thought it's easier to get food from there,... as siang siang is just round the corner,...


Blogger E.T.K.Y. said...

Aiyo.. i miss kuching so much lor.

12:46 PM  

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